Tuesday, July 22, 2008
New Family Members
Hello guys!
I just want to inform you that my Lola adopted one puppy and named him Bruce. And my slutty baby sister Tria gave birth again to five little kittens, unfortunately one died :~(.
I will post their pictures and stories on my next post :D. For now, I need to eat my snack then sleeps.
Goodnight :D
Click here to read more
Posted by Mocha @
8:33 PM
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Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Pose for PAWS
 My dada received an email from PAWS (The Philippine Animal Welfare Society) inviting us to join the "Pose for PAWS" on July 20, 2008 at Eastwood City from one o'clock in the afternoon to six o'clock in the evening. My dada and I wanted to come but since I am still in heat, mami will not allow me to go :~(. Maybe next time if my "period" is done I can go. :D
Here is what dada's received email from PAWS says:
Dear friends,
You and your pets are invited to pose for PAWS
July 20, Eastwood City, 1 to 6pm
Attached POSTER
Your contribution: P395 per backdrop.
There will be three backdrops at the venue. You can have your photo taken at one backdrop or at all of them - depending on your budget.
Now's your chance to have your portrait taken with your pet - and help raise funds for the PAWS animal shelter.*
Please forward the attached poster to other pet guardians and animal lovers.
See you on the 20th! -The Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)
Click here to read more
Posted by Mocha @
3:33 PM
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