Sunday, June 22, 2008
Rain.. Rain... go away!
 sleepy me plus the ponytail of my bored mami =)
Since early this morning, it's already raining so hard in our place plus the fact that its brownout. Coolness! The only thing that mami and I can do is sleep and wait for our lunch (Nilagang Baka) that is being cook by my lola. (It makes me more hungry when waiting!)
Finally before lunch time, electricity came back. We ate lunch (I sit at the table beside mami :D). Rain is still pouring hard and I badly needed to go out to make a pee but I do not want to get wet. My lola accampanied me to her mini garden to make a pee, but still I cant because I still get wet. And at the end my kind lola allowed me to pee on her laundry place, she said that she will just clean it. =) (yabyu lola)
I hate it when it rains! I can't go out... I hate it when i step on wet cements/floor. I hate it when I can't play with my friends outside :(.
*Sigh*... I wish rain will stop soon... All i can do right now is sing...
*Rain, rain, go away Come again some other day Mocha want to go outside and play Come again some other day :(*
After i post this entry, I will just sleep. (still raining hard!)
Posted by Mocha @
2:00 PM
Comments | Backlinks
Tatum Tot, at August 6, 2008 at 6:06 AM said:
Awww but you look cute! :)
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Hello everyone! Welcome to my Flog (food blog). My name is Mocha. I'm a 1 year old female dog, born on the 22nd of November 2006 in Quezon City, Philippines. I met a car accident when I was 2 months but thanks to my mami, dada, and my vet, I survived. My vet told my mami that I'm part Labrador, do you agree? Whatever! What is important is that I eat 3 times (sometimes more) a day and my mami and dada loves me. To know more about me, please click here.
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