Thursday, March 13, 2008
Aunt Mocha, the Baby Sitter
 My slutty baby shister Tria is now a single mom (her boyfriend abandoned her when she got preggy :~( ). She gave birth to four cute little kittens last month but unfortunately, one of her babies died. He was bitten by a bad dog named George :(.
My mami burried the kitty in lola's small garden (where i pee sometimes when it's raining hard =D ).
Tria sometimes brings her babies to my bed and ask me to baby sit them for her while she sleeps. She said that she always lack sleep because she's always breastfeeding them.
I love smelling the kitties and licking them beacause I am their Aunt Mocha :D. And as their auntie, I'll take care of them when Tria is busy sleepings.
 Of course Auntie Mocha needs to sleep too :D
I noticed that the kitties grow fast. They can now crawl around, that's why Tria always carry them back to their bed.
I'm just wondering why is it that when my mami is carrying the kitties they cry... but when it's Tria or me, they bahave? Maybe they know that I'm their pretty Aunt Mocha =D.

I'll post more pictures of my nieces (yes, all of them are girls) next time.
Posted by Mocha @
8:03 PM
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Cupcake, at March 14, 2008 at 7:56 AM said:
Mocha, what a wonderful aunt you are. And they say blended families don't work...
Julie, at March 14, 2008 at 10:27 PM said:
Mocha, those are some beautiful little kittens you can love on and watch over :)
Haley H, at March 15, 2008 at 7:35 AM said:
Adorable! You're such a sweet aunty, Mocha. And you must be really good with the kitties to have earned Tria's trust.
Mocha, at March 15, 2008 at 5:36 PM said:
@hannah fanna, me and tria are shisters and bestfriends.. we love to play bite and seek a lot =D.
@julie, i love taking care of my nieces ;)).
@haleyhughes, thank you! me and tria grew up together that's why she trust me to watch over her babies. =D
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