Friday, June 6, 2008
PayPerPost Approved!
My dada is the one who really influenced me in blogging. I just started blogging last January 2008. It all started when I am surfing the net and reseaching for food. I came across a few blogs (including my mami's and my dada's and decided to read them and i enjoyed it. I got an idea of having my own blog, i mean flog (food blog)... hehehe... that's why eveyday i ask my dada to make my flog until he finally agreed.
I decided to write my own story on how i survived a tragic accident when i was still a baby and my everyday life. I want to share it all with you.
Through reading other blogs, I've seen some with payperpost on them and thought of trying to monetize my bflog. That is why i decided to sign up for payperpost last month and after just a few days, My flog was approved!
I am happy to know that i will soon earn money through my blog. It also excites me to inform you that this entry of mine will earn $20.00 that I can use to buy my own vitamins, dress, treats and for my medical check up. I can now help my mami and dada in my expenses. =)
Surely payperpost helps blogger enjoy more what they do. =)

Posted by Mocha @
11:26 PM
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About Me |
Hello everyone! Welcome to my Flog (food blog). My name is Mocha. I'm a 1 year old female dog, born on the 22nd of November 2006 in Quezon City, Philippines. I met a car accident when I was 2 months but thanks to my mami, dada, and my vet, I survived. My vet told my mami that I'm part Labrador, do you agree? Whatever! What is important is that I eat 3 times (sometimes more) a day and my mami and dada loves me. To know more about me, please click here.
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Entrecard Exchange |
Foodroll |
- My Dada
- My Mami
- Ninang Euri
- Ninong Rocky
- Ninong Siopao
- Ninong Karlo
- Ninang Rio
- GameOPS
Foodroll Exchange |
- Daisy the Curly Cat
- Tierra Maria Estates Scam
- Hospital Scams Hoax
- Tim Cumper
- Timothy Ellis Cumper
- Ellumbra
- Your Link Here
Previous Foodtries |
- For Dog Lovers
- Aunt Mocha, the Baby Sitter
- The Dog Blog Carnival
- Happy ValenFOOD Day!
- Happy 79th Food Day to my Great Grand Lola Tining!
- Happy New Chinese Food Year!
- Happy Family Date and My Vaccination
- Rex: The Lucky Dog
- Chocolates Are Bad for Our Health
- Goodbye Lolo Luigi
Archived Foods |
- January 2008
- February 2008
- March 2008
- June 2008
- July 2008
- March 2009
- May 2009
Mocha's Wishlit |
- Snausages
- Milk bones
- ALPO Foods
- Pedigree Foods
- Frontline Spray
- Boots |
Foodsite Info |
- About Me
- Pictures
- Sponsor Me
- Contact Me
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