Friday, March 21, 2008
For Dog Lovers
 I read this on my tata CB's blog and decided to share it with all of you, since i know that all of them are true =).
1. Dogs don’t interrupt. Sometimes we just need someone to listen. Get a dog and you will know what we mean.
2. People who have dogs are less prone to illness. Dogs keep their humans calm and are the best stress-relievers around. Any dog owner will tell you that no day is complete without a snuggle and a hug from their pet companion.
3. People with dogs live longer. Dogs give people a reason to go on living. They make life bearable and they love without bounds.
4. Dogs are not ashamed to show their feelings. They snuggle close and lick your face whether there are people around or not.
5. Dogs can sniff cancer. A recent study in the US has shown that a Miniature Schnauzer was able to sniff cancer growth in a human. A cancer-sniffing dog from Nova Scotia is getting a gold star. Georgina Bramwell’s Pomeranian is earning a spot in the Purina Animal Hall of Fame after the dog’s constant pawing led her to find a cancerous lump in her breast a year ago. “I thought Teddy Bear was crazy when he was digging at me,” said the 76-year old from Waverley, N.S. “The night when he jumped on me, that when I realized, because I didn’t know (my breast) was painful until then.” Bramwell went to the doctor and soon after was diagnosed with breast cancer. Within a week, a cancer specialist successfully performed a mastectomy on her right breast. “I wouldn’t have known,” she said.
6. Dogs render a great service to mankind. They are guides for the blind, search and rescue dogs, bomb-sniffing dogs, dogs used to track down criminals, dogs used to sniff out drugs and fake DVDs.
7. Dogs forgive. Dog guardians may be occasionally guilty of not spending quality time with their pets. But these animals do not carry grudges. The minute you remember to bring them out for a much-needed walk or the minute you pick up that frisbee, the tail wags, looks of adoration is again in place, all is forgotten and forgiven.
8. Dogs never complain. The reason why dogs make such great housemates. They never grumble. Whatever works, works. Sleeping on the couch, sleeping on the floor, sleeping with you in bed. Just make sure the rules are clear from the start, and your dog will be a happy dog for as long as you provide for his basic needs and give him a few minutes of your day for tummy-scratching, bonding session.
9. Adopted or rescued dogs are the most Grateful animals in the world. An adopted pet from a shelter pays you back in love and loyalty. Pets in shelters have been abandoned and feel it. When adopted, these pets bond with an enduring love and that few relationships can match.
10. Dogs are life savers. Dagul, a native dog, saved a family in Baguio from a landslide; Champ, a Rottweiler, saved a sacristan from drowning in a flashflood in Quezon.
11. Dogs Heal. The Doctor Dog program of PAWS has been able to bring our therapy dogs, the Doctor Dogs, to the pediatric cancer ward in hospitals and the smiles on children’s faces alone tell us that animal-assisted therapy works. There is an instant between dogs and kids. In one school for autistic kids, the teachers got all excited when a child spoke with one of our Doctor Dogs. What was the big deal? The teacher explained that the boy has been in her class for year and has not spoken a word to anyone. Until that day.
12. Dogs are an effective medium of communication and growth for children. Again, according to the Doctor Dog Manual, “Interaction encourages the development of nurturing relationships and empathic responses. Children learn interpersonal and care-giving skills. Dogs widen their scope of experience and provide a new viewpoint of the world.” “Research has shown that children with pet dogs score higher on measures of empathy, self-esteem and self-concept that those who do not have pet dog.”
13. Dogs reduces stress. From the Doctor Dog Manual courtesy of Animals Asia Foundation (AAF), “One recent US study on cardiovascular reactivity to stress demonstrated that chemical inhibitors to lower blood pressure had no effect on a patient’s reactivity to mental stress. However, following the introduction of a friendly dog, cardiovascular reactivity to mental stress was considerably diminished.”
14. Dogs are good trackers. The participation of Bloodhounds Dolly and Shadow from the AFP-Canine Unit finally led the soldiers to the hideout where Abu Sayyaf kept their hostage Gracia Burnham. Shadow Received the award for both himself and the deceased Dolly an award for bravery from the Philippine Animal Welfare Society last October 2005.
15. Dogs are intelligent. There are studies that show that the German Shepherds that police use as partners on the field may possess the intelligence of a five-year-old child. Language and sign commands are easily grasped. Of course, many dog owners will agree that their dogs often show a greater level of IQ than some of people they meet at work, or in government offices.
16. Dogs know who our true friends are. We know of many people who can “fake” being good friends with you just because of some ulterior motive. Here’s a tip from a PAWS volunteer who actually admitted “dogs-testing” her husband before she agreed to marry him. She was always with her faithful Chow-Chow, named Cookie, when people came a-courting. All her other suitors had been barked at by Cookie whenever they gave her a compliment, which the girl would also feel to be untrue. Cookie seemed to dislike all her other suitors. But there seemed to be a sign that her hubby was the one when Cookie jumped up the couch to sit beside him when he first came to the house.
17. Dogs give us a boost of confidence. They say that if you are nervous about making that big presentation, practice in front of your dog. There are studies that show that dogs actually help children who have trouble reading out loud in class. It seems that kids are scared by the possibility of mispronouncing a word that they commit more mistakes in process. A pioneering teacher asked a student to read to a dog and this improved the student’s read-aloud skills greatly. Now, many schools across the US are also welcoming “Professor Dogs” in the classroom to give kids that morale and confidence boost to take that extra step to excellence.
18. Dogs entertain us. Dogs can be trained to perform tricks. But dogs are most entertaining when they are just being their silly selves. Burying a newfound treasure, chasing after its tail, looking up with puppy-dog eyes when they want something from you.
19. Dogs don’t care if you didn’t brush your teeth or comb your hair. People do not feel the need to be self-conscious about their appearance when there’s a friendly canine at the doorway.
20. Dogs understand us even if we don’t talk. Ever noticed that your dog seem to sense when you are sad lonely? Dogs have a remarkable connection with their owners not just because of their keen sense of hearing or smell, the strength of their emotional bond with their humans can be mind-boggling.
21. Dogs warn us about danger and keep us safe. We all know the value of dogs as a guard dogs. We were told that Pikang, a native dog, who was just being fed leftovers by members of the Jaguar Unit of the 104th Infantry Brigade of AFP stationed in Basilan, proved that she could pay the soldiers back many times over. Pikang, could sniff out insurgents from a mile away and warn the troops by barking or stopping during trek when the enemy was approaching. As a result, the Jaguar Unit was the only unit with zero casualties in the rebel-infested area. Pikang is the lone native dog awardee among purebred dogs in K-9 units at the Philippine Animal Welfare Society’s 2005 Golden Paw Awards.
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Posted by Mocha @
8:59 PM
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Thursday, March 13, 2008
Aunt Mocha, the Baby Sitter
 My slutty baby shister Tria is now a single mom (her boyfriend abandoned her when she got preggy :~( ). She gave birth to four cute little kittens last month but unfortunately, one of her babies died. He was bitten by a bad dog named George :(.
My mami burried the kitty in lola's small garden (where i pee sometimes when it's raining hard =D ).
Tria sometimes brings her babies to my bed and ask me to baby sit them for her while she sleeps. She said that she always lack sleep because she's always breastfeeding them.
I love smelling the kitties and licking them beacause I am their Aunt Mocha :D. And as their auntie, I'll take care of them when Tria is busy sleepings.
 Of course Auntie Mocha needs to sleep too :D
I noticed that the kitties grow fast. They can now crawl around, that's why Tria always carry them back to their bed.
I'm just wondering why is it that when my mami is carrying the kitties they cry... but when it's Tria or me, they bahave? Maybe they know that I'm their pretty Aunt Mocha =D.

I'll post more pictures of my nieces (yes, all of them are girls) next time.
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Posted by Mocha @
8:03 PM
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Tuesday, March 4, 2008
The Dog Blog Carnival
.jpg) Hello everyone!
I would like to inform you that I joined The Dog Blog Carnival. They will be featuring my life story as well as other dogs. Be sure to visit them here.
I'm sure i'll be meeting new friends in their blog and that exchites me very munch, i mean much! :)
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Posted by Mocha @
2:23 PM
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